
April 3, 2008

They’re trying to get rid of XP!

Filed under: Uncategorized — computerempire @ 7:55 pm

Microsoft is set to discontinue XP on June 30, 2008, follow this link below and complete this petition. Hopefully, if enough people complete this petition, Microsoft will decide not to discontinue XP due to the fact that so many people like it.
Please complete this petition. We’ve only got a little longer!

April 2, 2008

Okay Firefox, shape up or ship out.

Filed under: Uncategorized — computerempire @ 4:24 pm

Firefox is crashing at Zinio.com and Yahoo.com. When I’m on IE, like I am now, IE doesn’t crash, but no, Firefox does, the alleged, “Superior” browser.

Yahoo’ gone wrong.

Filed under: Uncategorized — computerempire @ 1:27 pm

Firefox has been crashing every time I log out of my email and I couldn’t figure out why. The reason was the Yahoo! homepage. Whenever I visit it  Firefox crashes. That’s odd.

I need a new name

Filed under: Uncategorized — computerempire @ 5:35 am

I need a new name for my website, any ideas?

March 28, 2008

Free Adobe Photoshop.

Filed under: Uncategorized — computerempire @ 10:58 pm

There’s a website in the Beta version by Adobe where you can sign up and then use the Adobe Photoshop programs free. The website is called Adobe Photoshop Express Beta. It’s pretty cool.


Filed under: Uncategorized — computerempire @ 2:23 am

I recently checked out Dimdim.com and it’s pretty cool. It’s like Skype and Remote Assistance combined. I plan to try it out at Lego in a couple days.

March 18, 2008

A New Computer in the house.

Filed under: Uncategorized — computerempire @ 1:08 am

Today my mom got a new INSPIRON 1520 Dell Laptop. It looks nice and I’d like to say it ran very fast but I can’t. I was installing my basic software choices, CCleaner, AdAware and Firefox and it wasn’t noticeably fast. This might be because I was downloading them from IE(6). The boot up wasn’t extremely fast either. Well not noticeably faster than my INSPIRON 9300. Oh well. At least it’s new.

March 17, 2008

Oh my gosh. To many options.

Filed under: Uncategorized — computerempire @ 11:09 pm

I decided earlier today that I would make an HTML website. This sounds stupid but it really wasn’t. I had the makings of a page already, a template, CSS file, and I knew enough HTML to get me by. I want most of the features that are here at WordPress with more control over the look of my page. I realize that I can do that with the Edit CSS feature but it costs about $15 U.S dolors. That’s way to much for just that. But anyway. I was looking for a way to have a form on my website where people could email me about my site. The normal (<form method=”post” action=”mailto:emailaddress@wherever.com”etc) did not work for me. I then did a Google search for HTML form creators (which would hopefully work, i figured if someone else made it then maybe it would work) and I found a couple good results. The problem. One result was WuFoo WuFoo sounded great but it 1. sends all the comments to the WuFoo website and I can only create three forms before I can’t make any more. I got other results like htmlbasix.com and others but I finally figures it just wasn’t worth it. I’m not giving up, ho no, but it’s just this. I have a great website that is getting lots of views a day. If I were to change websites then I would be totally throwing away all this work and starting over again. The other reason was this. I now have 30+ posts on my home page. If I were to move my site then I would have to go into 30 individual posts and copy and past them. Not a good idea. I have tried moving my website to places like Google Page Creator, Microsoft Small Business and I have tried doing a HTML website before. None have worked.

March 12, 2008

Posting on the right website is great.

Filed under: Uncategorized — computerempire @ 10:36 pm

I posted a comment on Wade’s Geekport and I’ve had tons of visitors click on my comment I posted on Geekport to get to my website. This just goes to show that if you post on the right websites you’ll get the visitors streaming in.

March 10, 2008

Ooh, your on the bleeding edge, so what?

Filed under: Uncategorized — computerempire @ 5:06 am

There’s a whole bunch of new things coming out all the time. There’s new software, hardware such as, faster hard drives, better graphic cards and the oh so cool new headset the really hasn’t changed any from your last one. As for software, there’s new security programs coming out all the time, such as IE8 Beta, Firefox 3 beta 2 and a host of other programs. Then on top of that, after you’ve downloaded the new version of Firefox, Firefox 3 Beta 2, you figure out that it wont work for all the things you want it to! and the same for hardware, you buy a new flash drive and then, lo and behold, the next time you go to the store it’s marked at half the price it was when you bought it! my point being, there’s no point in being on the bleeding edge of technology, sure it’s fun going up to your friend and saying, “oh, check out my sweet iPhone” or “IE8 works so much better than IE7, I can’t believe your using IE7 still” that’s all great but not everyone needs to have the newest. If something works for you and doesn’t compromise your productivity keep it. With the exception of security software. Always want to be on the bleeding edge there.

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